Christian Lollike

The School Comedy

1Februar 2024 - 2Marts 2024

Christian Lollike
Christian Lollike
With scenes by
Johanne Kirstine Fall and Frida Lea Fugl
Scenography- and costume design
Franciska Zahle
Lighting design
Anders Kjems
Sound design
Lars Gaarde
Julie Kunz

In this new-written drama, the Danish public school is put under a sharp spotlight, where the demands on teachers are constantly increased and streamlined. Lesson-plans, stress, school-committees, bullying, social-media, Aula, diagnoses, and inclusion. Teachers must juggle all these elements and cut themselves into a thousand pieces to meet the requirements for an inclusive education. The performance is based on stories from real teachers and students in the Danish public schools. In The School Comedy, we meet the teacher Annette, who gradually breaks under this extreme pressure from the principal, educational consultants, society, parents, students… and clowns. Tragedy plus time equals comedy.

* Photo Mikkel Berg