Christian Lollike

The Shaft or Gerhard’s Adventure

26Jan2013 - 13Apr2013

Christian Lollike
Tue Biering
Set Design
Nicolai Spangaa
Co-production between
Aarhus Teater and Sort/Hvid

“The Germans are non-Germans. Non-Germans are the first People in history to give up trying to define themselves in terms of nationality. Non-Germans have access to a special Raum. Non-Germans wake up in bed every morning feeling like an Alka-Seltzer that has been dropped into a glass of water. The Germans don’t exist.”

During their travel through Europe, three people reaches the city Dresden in Germany; the city American and British air forces bombed to pieces for two days in 1945. They try to understand why the Germans are so preoccupied with their past. Playing neo-Nazis they meet a Nietzsche-talking deer and make big plans for a Nazi theme park in Las Vegas. They open the ‘shaft’ into the national mind of the Germans. A national mind that, compared to the Danish, contains the darkest of evil.

The Shaft received the award ‘Play of the Year’ at Aarets Reumert 2013 in Denmark. Here, Christian Lollike also received the award ‘Playwright of the Year’ for The Shaft among other plays.